SU Pilots Course Sharing Program

Image of caribbean religious artifacts

New in Spring 2014, Syracuse University is piloting a program to share online undergraduate courses with a consortium of member universities including Brandeis University, George Washington University, University of Miami, and Northeastern.   The course sharing program will enable students from across member institutions to expand their courses of study with access to online courses not available at their home institution. Please see the Course Share website for more information:

We thought you might be interested in some of these courses.  Please note, however, that they are not Honors courses and would not count toward your Honors breadth requirement.  That said, they may present a great opportunity for you.

Some of the courses are wide ranging and interdisciplinary in nature, perfect for the enterprising Honors student! Here are some titles:

  • Carribean Religion (REL 300) offered by the University of Miami
  • Perspectives on Healthcare and Information Systems offered by Brandeis University
  • Foundations of Virtual Management Across Cultures and Geographies offered by Brandeis University.

Head over to the SU courseshare website for more information on any of these classes.