Honors Students in HNR 240 Publish “Harvest of the Month” Recipe Book

Wilson ParkOn Friday, November 15th, honors students in Professor Parker’s HNR 240 Food Stories class traveled to Wilson Park, an after school program in downtown Syracuse, to implement a “Harvest of the Month” program.  With their program, group members Ella D’Amico, Jessie Gwilt, Sydney Karp, Luis Loor, and Ashlee Newman hoped to help fill the nutritional education gap for these children by educating the Central New York youth on the importance of eating seasonally and locally. They also provided participants with a yearly food guide.

The booklet highlights a fruit or vegetable for each month, along with nutritional information and a healthy, kid-friendly recipe for each food. During their trip to Wilson Park, the group presented their booklet and demonstrated the November recipe – a Greek yogurt dip mixed with cinnamon and honey with sliced apples. The program was a huge success and Wilson Park is hoping to continue the Harvest of the Month program in the future!

Image of the cover of the recipe bookYou can grab a copy of the Harvest of the Month booklet HERE and feel free to indulge yourself in the wonderful, seasonal foods that Central New York has to offer.