Civic Engagement Opportunity!

Banner for One Heart Source

Attention Honors students!

ONEHEARTSOURCE is a student-initiated volunteer opportunity in Tanzania, East Africa.

With little sustainable health care infrastructure or equal distribution of resources in most developing countries, the need for change is urgent; yet the implementation of constructive change needs to be done with passionate consideration and motivated self-initiative. You can help!

Volunteer with One Heart Source as a teacher and mentor in Tanzania or South Africa. Gain international experience, live amongst the diverse groups community, learn a new language, and involve yourself in development & aid, global health, education, and much more!


Spring: April 2 – May 18, 2012
Summer: Beginning in May, see for details

* In Tanzania: Live with a Maasai family and become an active member in their household
* In South Africa: Combine in-classroom teaching with after school mentoring to help provide a quality education to underprivileged youth
* Improve the quality of education through teaching English to local students
* Converse about HIV/AIDS prevention, family planning, and community health to adults and children in neighboring home-stays
* Work with a dynamic team of international university students

Be a part of our movement for sustainable social change. Together, we can make a lasting impact;
in our own lives and in the lives of others.

Apply now for our Spring and Summer Programs!
The first round of applications will be considered beginning Friday December 2, 2011. These programs can be very competitive so apply early!
Email completed applications to:

For more information and to download the program application, please