Live from the Lounge: Our very first pilot episode

Hi Honors Community!

We’d like to introduce you to a new feature here at the Honors blog! We are calling it “Live from the Lounge” and we dreamed this up because we think that Honors students are amazing, and whenever we engage with you guys we come away either learning something new, or being really impressed. We also think this is a great way for you to get to know your fellow Honors students. Every one of you has something you care about, something that’s on your mind. We’ll be producing one of these every so often, so be on the lookout for Karen Hall in the Honors lounge with her iPad. She just might tap you to be our next “Live from the Lounge” subject!

Lastly, a HUGE thank you to Kathryn Ferentchak, who shares her thoughts on Juice magazine, Photography, and even wishes you a happy winter season, in which no particular holiday may or may not occur.

Live from the Lounge – Pilot Episode from Syracuse U Honors Program on Vimeo.