Honors Footnotes Events Are Coming!

Honors Footnotes logo with human feet and dog paw footprints

Join us this Fall for a new series of Honors Footnotes Events! Our staff and faculty are putting together a fantastic line up of these small, enriching events that not only explore new interests, but connect you with others in the Honors community.

So stay tuned to your email for our invites! All Honors students will be invited via email, and the invitations will be “first come, first served” and we’ve seen that they fill up fast.   So stay tuned to your email for our invites!

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An Honors Marriage

Hello Honors Community,

This is a brief story we just had to share!

Andrew Catauro ’06 and Shannon (Grotzinger) Catauro ’07
Andrew Catauro ’06 and Shannon (Grotzinger) Catauro ’07

Meet Andrew Catauro ’06 (TRF/ITA) and Shannon (Grotzinger) Catauro ’07 (MAG/SOC) . Andrew and Shannon met in the Honors Program on their first day of class for PHI 107, completed what was then “General Honors”, and went on to get married!  Andrew works on the acclaimed documentary POV for PBS and Shannon provides social services to homeless men in NYC. They stopped by the Honors Suite before the semester began and asked if we’d take their picture in 304C.   They even remembered where they used to sit!

These are certainly the kinds of stories we love to hear from our alumni. Remember that if you have any interesting stories like this one, to let us know so we can share them!