Now that the academic year has come to a close, we wanted to point out some of the great accomplishments of the SU Debate Team, an organization filled with a number of our Renée Crown University Honors Program! This year, Samm Costello and David Kopel (Honors) won the Franklin and Marshall debate tournament, beating out other excellent teams from Swarthmore, American University and William in Mary in elimination rounds to get the win. The two also made it to the elimination rounds at an impressive five tournaments! Additionally, Brooke Baerman (Honors) and Anirudh Sridhar made it to the final round in the novice division at the University of Connecticut, eventually placing as the 2nd place novice team at that tournament. The Debate Team as a whole had many other excellent finishes such as making it to quarterfinals at Boston University, one of the most difficult tournaments of the year, having very good speaker rankings at many tournaments, and having one of the strongest showings ever at the National Championships where David Kopel and Samantha Costello placed 19th overall!
Lastly, the Team ranked in a number of categories this year:
- Team of the Year- David Kopel and Samantha Costello ranked 17th nationwide
- Speaker of the Year- Mathew Gasda was ranked 37th, David Kopel 41st, and Samantha Costello 60th in the nation
- Novice of the Year- Brooke Baerman was ranked 68th in the nation
- Club of the Year- the Syracuse University Debate Society really proved how far they have come as a team, achieving the rank of 14th in the nation. This put them far ahead of their competitors such as: Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania, George Washington University and Fordham University.
We at the Honors Program are proud of the work of the Debate team and all of the Honors students who have contributed to its success!