Undergraduates for a Better Education (UBE) is a student group advocating for change within the University on issues such as advising, teacher quality, course availability, and internship credit and they have created a survey for students to provide feedback on their educational experience at SU. The survey can be taken here: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/UBE.
UBE facilitates a connection between the students and administration. UBE will take the issues you face in your academics and advising and bring them to the administration’s attention.
They ask that you view the survey as a way to be part of creating a change and making a difference; the administration is listening, and what you have to say is important!
All answers are anonymous; only group data will be reported. You can like them on Facebook too! https://www.facebook.com/UndergraduatesForBetterEducationSyracuseUniversity
Questions or concerns? Contact Emily Ballard at emballar@syr.edu