The Westcott Street Cultural Fair that is. Each year Honors students volunteer at this fun event just a few blocks east of campus. Here’s what a few had to say:
“As a senior,” said Siying Wang, “this was my last Westcott fair. It has been fun to be a performer in the parade, a volunteer at the fair and also a fair goer. I really appreciate the community’s effort in organizing this special event every year. It makes me feel more involved in the community.”
Avery Gray “loved playing with the children and painting their faces. It was really great to make them smile and contribute to their experience at the Fair. This experience definitely had an impact on me becoming a more active citizen of the city. This is my second year in Syracuse and I think that becoming involved in the Westcott Festival was important for self-growth and growth as a community. In the future I hope to volunteer at community events. It has taught me that it is the people that define a city, not the city that defines the people. It was a joy to see the community coming together in celebration. I will look for these kinds of opportunities in my volunteering future.”
Jonathan Aziz didn’t discover the fair until his senior year and felt “it was great to see the community brought together, sharing their talents, interests, and company. I hope to be a part of similar community gatherings in the future.”
For information about this year’s fair, please visit http://www.westcottfair.org/: to volunteer, email info@westcottfair.org