JUMP Supply Drive!

School Supplies







Hello Honors Community!

Here is a message from Honors student and JUMP (Juvenile Urban Multicultural Program) member, Jacob Friesen Grant:

Remember when you were a kid and school supply shopping was one of the highlights to the start of a new school year? You begged your caretaker to take you to the store with the coolest notebooks and gel pens. If you wish that all students could have this same experience, you can start by help supporting JUMPNation at SU as we host our annual Supply Drive initiative. Help equip local students in need with the tools they need to succeed.

You can drop off your donations in the Honors suite until November 22.  Thank you for your help!

About JUMP:

Make a difference by joining an organization whose mission is to promote higher education through mentorship to 8th grade students who are at risk. If you’re interested in applying or wish to receive more information about the positions available, email jumpnationatsu@gmail.com. Applications are due Wednesday, April 17th, the day of our General Body Meeting in honor of Autism Awareness Month.

The Christmas Bureau: A Time of Giving

Hello Honors Community!

Writing today with a message from your fellow student, Mary-Jo Robinson: 

Although the holiday season seems to be far away, it IS approaching very quickly.  During these challenging economic times, many people are struggling to provide even basic needs for their families; making the joy of the holiday season out of reach.  Many in the Syracuse community will find themselves unable to buy food for the holidays, much less gifts for their children.  To help fellow community members in need, caring citizens from across Central New York come together every year at the Christmas Bureau to fill in the gaps for families who just cannot afford gifts.

The Christmas Bureau is a coalition led by the United Way of Central New York and the Salvation Army of the Syracuse Area.  This program is working very hard this year to provide for nearly 7,000 children this holiday season. 

Here is how you can help with this effort.  The United Way of Central New York is hosting its second Stocking Stuffer Drive in an effort to collect gifts to be given at the Christmas Bureau this year.  The United Way has provided us with a box here in the Honors Main Office for collection of goods and the below list of stocking stuffer ideas.  Starting on Friday, November 9th, we will collect stocking stuffer donations until Friday, December 7th. 

Here is a list of potential items to be collected:

Colored Pencils                               Crayons                               Pez

Coloring Books                                Markers                               Yo-yo

$5 Target Giftcards                       Playing Cards                     Books

Hair Accessories                            Stickers                                 Socks 

Stuffed Animals                              Play-Dough                          Nail Polish

Lip Gloss/Chap Stick                    Character Cups                  Fruit Snacks

Character Band-Aids                    Matchbox Cars                  Candy

Disposable Camera                        Glow Sticks                          iTunes Giftcards

Thumb Drive                                    Wallet                                    Journal

Keychains/Lanyards                    Hot Chocolate                    Kids toothpaste     

With your support, we will be able to fulfill the holiday wishes of thousands of children in need.  If there are any questions, you can contact me at 207-267-0650 or via email at mkrobi04@syr.edu. Thank you for your support, Honors Community!  

 -Mary-Jo Robinson