Hello Honors Community!
Coming to you today with some spectacular news about one of our Honors Alumni, Rachel LeQuire! Rachel has been chosen by The Peace Corps to go to Guatemala and work with The Healthy Schools Program in February ; working with children, teachers and principals in various rural towns. She will be helping with initiatives to educate Guatemala’s youth as well as implementing programs focused on living healthy and sustainably. Until February, Rachel will be in California, soaking in the west coast way of living and checking out what volunteer and work opportunities are out there that will help prepare her for her amazing Peace Corps opportunity!
Rachel sent us a very kind note upon hearing of her acceptance: “I REALLY couldn’t do it without all of your encouragement and guidance. I am forever grateful for everything the Honors Program has given me. What an exceptional program run by exceptional people ; ) If any of your students have questions about applying to the Peace Corps, send them my way!”
Rachel is just one of the many Honors Alumni we are proud to have as part of our community. Please join us in wishing Rachel the very best in Guatemala and remember to take Rachel up on her offer! If any of you out there are interested in the Peace Corps, either email us at honors@syr.edu and we will get you in touch with Rachel OR, for general info, visit http://www.peacecorps.gov/about/.