Wanted: Tutors and Mentors

homework club

There are so many civic engagement opportunities, who can keep track! Honors alum, John Cardone (former coordinator of the Nottingham tutoring program) is directing this great program.

Homework Club at 601 Tully pairs college students, neighbors and local kids so they can share their knowledge and talents.

The club meets  Mondays and Thursdays form 3:00 – 5pm for the duration of fall semester. Each session consists of one-on-one homework assistance for children aged 9-14, as well as general socializing and casual mentorship. SU students are welcome to become neighborhood tutors at the newest art venue in town–601 Tully–conveniently located just three blocks from the SU Warehouse.

Come be a part of the changing Westside world!

For more information please contact 601tully@syr.edu or call 315-442-1297.



Civic Engagement Abroad

Mohammad playing at the Moms and Tots ProgramRebecca Ierardo, a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences, volunteered at the Istanbul Refugee Center for ten weeks. As a volunteer, she attended the Moms and Tots program at the Center which was a program specifically for refugee mothers with young children. Rebecca connected mothers with similar stories and backgrounds, watched over children, served food, and helped with administrative duties in order to provide a safe community in which the women could socialize and feel comfortable. She was also a volunteer in the soup kitchen through the Center where she cooked and distributed meals to refugees. For Rebecca, this was a once in a lifetime experience. She said: “I consider this experience the most valuable thing I have taken away from my semester abroad. Learning the value of simply connecting with people does more to strengthen a lost soul than any amount of money or food could ever truly equal. We call this civic engagement for a reason: so that we truly invest ourselves in the welfare of individuals not merely on a practical level, but also on a spiritual level.” As well as gaining this incredible insight, Rebecca also said the Refugee Center “taught me how an all-encompassing community can better the lives of all people, the servers and served alike. I hope to carry this knowledge into any future volunteer work I perform.”

Rebecca riding a camel

Contributing Blogger Samantha DeTore, ’15 Arts and Sciences