Capstone projects can lead to great things!

Adriana Gonzalez-VegaJust a little inspiration for those of you working on your Capstone projects!


Recent Honors alumna Adriana Gonzalez-Vega made a film, “Frente Al Mar”, for her Honors Capstone project last year.  When it was shown on presentation day, it was clear that not only did Adriana have some serious talent, but that this particular film would be much more than just her Capstone project.

We heard from Adriana recently (she’s been on the independent film festival circuit!) and here’s all the awards that “Frente al Mar” has won.  The list is quite impressive!


Here’s a preview of the film itself:

  • WINNER – BEST STUDENT FILM, Carmel Art and Film Festival 2012, CA, USA
  • WINNER – BEST ACTRESS, Cinefiesta 2012, San Juan, PR
  • AWARD OF MERIT -Women Independent Film Festival 2012, Los Angeles, CA
  • Official Selection, Montreal World Film Festival 2012, Canadá
  • Official Selection, Chicago International Social Change Film Festival 2012, USA
  • Official Selection, Boston Latino International Film Festival 2012
  • Official Selection, Puerto Rico International Film Festival (Vieques) 2012
Congratulations Adriana!

McNair Scholars Program Information Session

The McNair Scholars Program will be holding informational sessions to introduce interested students to their program.   First, a bit about McNair:

Students gathered for a photo

The McNair Scholars Program aims to prepare undergraduate students for graduate education through the provision of the following services:

  • GRE preparation
  • Research experience and stipend
  • Mentoring relationship with faculty
  • Opportunities to attend conferences and
  • present research
  • Academic counseling and tutorial support
  • Waivers for graduate school applications
  • Assistance with funding for graduate school
  • Professional & academic development workshops
  • Social and cultural activities
  • Community of scholars

Program Eligibility Includes:

  • Strong interest in attending graduate school
  • U.S. Citizen or permanent resident
  • Sophomore or Junior class standing
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0
  • First generation college student with financial need or a member of an underrepresented population (African-American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native American) or underrepresented in your field


The information sessions they are offering are:

Session 1 Session II
Wednesday February 20th
7:00 – 8:30pm
Bowne Hall 119
Thursday February 21st
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Bowne Hall 119

Please welcome Samir Malovic to the Honors Program!

Samir MalovicPlease help us extend a warm welcome to our new data administrator, Samir Malovic!  Samir recently joined the Honors staff to assist us in managing the complexities of our program’s data, as well as provide support for Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi honorary societies, coordinate the Honors vans, and help us in other important ways.  Samir’s most recent position was with Sedgwick, an insurance claims management firm where he worked as an operations data analyst.

Besides being a talented data analyst, Samir is an ex-professional soccer player who played for the Bosian “Modrica-Maxica” organization, as well as the Harrisburg Pennsylvania City Islanders.  Samir also played soccer for LeMoyne College, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Political Science with a major in International Studies and a minor in Philosophy.

In his free time, Samir enjoys playing and coaching soccer, and renovating houses.  He also really likes Dunkin Donuts coffee, and is working on developing a deep appreciation for the Keurig coffee machine in the office.

Honors is on Vimeo

screen shot of honors vimeo pageHonors has a channel on Vimeo!  Each year we have many amazing video and film submissions made by our Capstone students, that we needed a way to be able to feature and share them as fine examples of Honors quality work.  All you juniors, sophomores, and freshmen will benefit from being able to see the best examples of Capstone films on our Vimeo archives.  Our channel is


Are you an Honors student and have your own Vimeo channel? If you’d like us to follow you, or you would like us to link to your Vimeo channel, let us know.  Honors student Carlos Bonachea is also on Vimeo and is the newest addition to the Honors blogroll!