A group of students in Jolynn Parker’s HNR 240 Food Stories class has created this display on the ground floor of Bird Library to educate the SU community about chemicals in processed food. The food should rot, right? Wouldn’t it be disturbing if it didn’t rot? Follow the progress of the three burgers (McDonald’s, campus dining, and locally sourced, respectively) at their tumblr feed below.
Get out of the Orange Bubble!
Impact Week is an entire week of community service planned by the SU Student Association. Students and organizations are planning community service events to do throughout the week that remind us that while we are Syracuse University students, we are also members of the Syracuse community. Student Association will be tabling throughout the next few weeks allowing students to sign up to go to community service events.
- Monday 5th: Salvation Army 3:00-6:00 10 students
- Wednesday 7th: Ronald McDonald House 4:00-7:00 7 students
- Rescue Mission 10:30-12:30 4 students, 4:00-6:00 4 students
- Friday 9th: The Samaritan Center 12:30-3:30 10 students
- Saturday 10th: Dome Day, before Louisville game 15 students, Thornden Park Cleanup 9:00am-11:00am
- Tuesday 13th: American Red Cross Blood Drive 11-4pm
There are so many ways to earn civic engagement hours….Here’s one NOT TO MISS
Are you one in a million?
CFAC Office Coordinator Yudaisy Fernadez is one of the million bringing awareness to genocide through the One Million Bones Campaign.
CFAC’s doors will be open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday – Friday to individuals who would like to create bones. Groups (7 or more individuals) are encouraged to call to 315-442-2230 to schedule a time to create bones.
One Million Bones is a large-scale social arts initiative focused on bringing awareness to genocide in Somalia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo through the hands-on creation of clay and plaster bones, which will be brought to the National Mall in Washington, DC in June 2013. The One Million Bones display will serve as a visual petition against genocide and urge our politicians to act in favor of justice for the millions of genocide victims around the world.
5th SU Songwriter Showcase
Calling All SU Songwriters!
You’re invited to share your songs at the 5th SU Songwriter Showcase at Schine’s Panasci Lounge on November 30th. The SU Songwriter Showcase has drawn hundreds of students annually to listen to the best songwriting on campus, and now we want to hear your songs!
Submit mp3s or links for at least two of your original songs to susongwritershowcase@gmail.com by October 29. Open to all SU/ESF students and all music styles. Songwriters will be chosen based on the quality of the songs and performance, not recording quality.
Questions? Email susongwritershowcase@gmail.com.
Isn’t it time for your songs to be heard?
Think for Civic Engagement–and talk some too…
The director of The High Impact Network (THINK), a Harvard Law School student sent the message below. There are some very interesting activities included as well as the possibility for starting a group. Worth the read:
THINK starts college chapters that lead workshops and games on how to most effectively make the world a better place. These activities are highly interactive and show how to put the ideas into practice.
As you are reading this, 30 THINK chapters are launching at colleges in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, Sweden, Brazil, and India. We are cultivating a global community of highly effective and caring people to make the world a better place. Check out our website at www.thehighimpactnetwork.org.
If you want to improve the world, it is incredibly important to:
1. Know the most pressing causes, from extreme poverty and animal welfare to environmental and global risks.
2. Know the most promising paths to addressing these – which careers and research avenues to pursue, and which organizations and charities to support.
3. Gain the skills to excel on those paths – boost your intelligence, compassion, and productivity.
We’re designing lots of group activities and games within these areas for chapters to choose from (you can also make your own). Here are ten of them: www.thehighimpactnetwork.org/modules
We’re looking for passionate and organized students to lead a THINK chapter at Syracuse University. Leading a chapter primarily involves organizing events, where you guide members through the group activities and have periodic social events. (It’s not that hard – we have resources for you and a support team standing by to help with logistics – and it’s a nice resume booster.)
If you’d like to be a chapter founder at Syracuse University, let us know at beafounder@thehighimpactnetwork.org. And please send me any questions you have!
Spring 2013 Registration Notes!
Spring 2013 Honors courses are online! Take a look and start making your plans.
Honors students in good standing will register the morning of Monday, November 12. However, if you will have senior standing after this semester (84 credits or more), you will have a standard senior registration access time (before the 12th). There is no “early” Honors registration for students with senior standing! You will have an access time on one of the three senior days.
Remember that your academic advisor needs to remove your advising hold before you can access MySlice to register, so be sure to plan your advising meeting with plenty of time for that to happen before your registration access time, and check Myslice to be sure your hold has been removed.
If you have a cumulative gpa above 3.5, and need to register for more than 19 credits for the Spring 2013 semester, please contact Hanna Richardson (hricha01@syr.edu) for permission. You will need to specify which courses you need to take for your overload.
Honors advisors (Hanna, Karen, Kate) are available to help you figure out how to fit Honors into your plans for Spring. Please call 443-2759 to make an appointment with one of us.